The calculation is based on the cost of apartment offers in the city of Lviv according to data from open sources. Initial parameters: the total
area of ​​the apartment, the offer price, the total volume of the sample.
Apartments: The lion's share of the offers of apartments put up for sale is occupied by the so-called "new buildings" with an average offer of 1,600 USD/sq.m., followed by residential buildings that were built a little earlier, up to twenty years old, at almost the same level. by quantity and value, followed by residential buildings of the Soviet period with an average asking price of 1,200 USD/sq.m. Almost 70% of offers are in the range of 1000 - 2000 USD/sq.m. Commerce: The average price of the offer of commercial premises is 2000 USD/sq.m., most of the offers are in the price range of 1400 - 2200 USD. Warehouses: In most cases, warehouse real estate is newly built and is offered at a price of 600 USD/sq.m.


The consulting group was founded at the beginning of 2007, the place of activity: Lviv, Lviv region, Western Ukraine. The field of activity is consulting services.
