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WithPortugal - Real estate - Residence permit - Emigration - Consulting

Portugal, Lisabon , Jacinto Isidoro de Sousa, Carcavelos, 172,

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If your plans include emigration from your native country to Portugal, we advise you to determine in advance the methods of legalization in your new place. Why? Because many visa processes should and can only start at your place of registration. For example, in order to receive a PPP, a person with passive income needs to obtain a special type D visa and this must be done at the Portuguese embassy in the country of current residence.

It is very important to think through all the steps in advance so as not to become a hostage of non-obvious difficulties. For example, after obtaining a PPP in Lisbon for yourself and a minor child through family reunification or in the presence of a resident guardian, you will have to live only in Lisbon until the child receives residency (the school depends on guardian's place of residence).

There are a lot of such subtleties and cases, and it is better to know about them in advance. It should be understood that there are certain peculiarities, difficulties and even risks in the process of drawing up one or another type of PPP. And if you feel that you are "swimming in the dark", we are ready to help calculate, predict and reduce all kinds of risks.

Immigration to Portugal became our profile after personal legalization - we are not friends or friends of friends who heard something about residency here, we became residents ourselves and we want you to be able to do the same. Therefore, on the WithPortugal website, only specialized specialists provide consultations: our team includes an accountant, a lawyer, an immigration consultant, a translator, a Portuguese language teacher, a family doctor and other specialists, each of whom specializes only in his specialized field, and not in everything at once.

In their portfolios there are many clients from all over the world and cases of relocation of residents of different countries over the past 10 years, among them there were those that seemed impossible at first, so in any unclear situation, just order a consultation from them. They will ask about everything, from the expiration date of a valid foreign passport to the history of illnesses (we are not kidding, sometimes it is important!), they will tell you the options for obtaining a PPP specifically in your case, they will tell you where to start and what to continue, they will hand you a road map (an action plan and a list of necessary documents for collection).

Before you order an immigration consultation, we will give you valuable advice - you can get the most out of even an hour of conversation if you read the relevant articles on our website in advance, prepare specific questions and comprehensive information about yourself.

We wish you luck and an easy move, and if you have any questions - we are always in touch.

You can read about how to move to Portugal in our articles on the WithPortugal website, in which contain a wealth of useful information on immigration and life in this beautiful and sunny country.

Авейру ⅼ Робота психолога ⅼ Стосунки з португальцем ⅼ Навчання в університеті ⅼ WithPortugal

Published at 10 Jun 2024

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Текущая дата и время: 2024-10-18 12:31:33